Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 19 : + 5%

0830 : Troops going into battlefield to regain positions after breakfast. Enemy at 136.80. Commander still satisfied with progress of the battle and cautiously optimistic even though enemy gained grounds yesterday.
0840 : Enemy outpost destroyed at 136.70
1130 : Enemy advanced to 137.00.
1140 : Enemy armoured vehicle destroyed at 136.94
1210 : Large enemy presence detected at 136.70.
1220 : Troops trying to overcome heavy resistance at 136.70 to push enemy back to 136.50.
1530 : Enemy retreated from 137.50 to 136.95
1925 : Enemy make another attempt to recapture 137.0 region.
1930 : Defending 137 once again, enemy just wouldn't let us rest.
2030 : Bombarding enemy position at 136.50.
2305 : Combat engineers built defensive structures while most troops return to base camp to rest. Current enemy location at 136.70. Been a long and tiring day for the troops.

Total trades : 184

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